One of my favorite hobbies is to identify potential similarities, patterns, and links among different things! Sounds vague - right? Let me explain.I have few beliefs! The first is that "there is a definite purpose in every single action that is happening in this universe". Here I interpret the 'action' very liberally - to include anything and everything - like events that seem to happen spontaneously and even thoughts! And I also feel that the purpose is not necessarily known or understood or even imagined most of the time. When I say "is happening" I also mean what ever has happened and what ever that will happen.
The second one is that "in the long run every system gets and gives just what it deserves; no more no less". Here also I use the maximum latitude in defining "system" - to include living organisms (obviously including people), as well as non-living things - apart from the general meaning of the word 'system'. And the "long run" need not be my life time or several hundred years - may be more! I really don't know!!!
With these two simple beliefs I try to 'understand' this universe. And over the years I realized that my understanding is mostly by synthesizing and experiencing for myself - though I do not want to anyway under play the importance of what very generous people taught me - in school, through their books, conversations etc.! Any lack of understanding on my part in those ‘teachings’ are purely attributed to my ability rather than theirs. That's why I place the self synthesizing and experiencing first.
I intend to share some of those thoughts - I chose "miscellaneous" as the adjective mainly because it is going to be very difficult to label these thoughts in any conventional classification (like philosophy or science etc.).
Apart from the obvious craving for some show-off/recognition/publicity :-) (To satisfy my ego!), I hope to "understand" more through these posts - through the comments and criticism of fellow humans. I guess "time" will prove whether I understood anything at all. :-)
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